So, I lost 5.5 lbs! NICE! It was rough, though, lol. Felt like I deserved, like, a 10 lb loss! Well, at least 8. Haha. It wasn't all horrible. My taste buds and body crave whole foods more. Not sure if I'll do it again anytime soon, but happy that I completed my goal and have it to look back on!
What's next? Hot Pink Smoothies for breakfast, raw lunch, green smoothies in the afternoon, and vegan dinners. Sometimes raw, sometimes not. :)
I'll be back here at the end of the month and talk about what I want for September.....
Thursday- August 18, 2011
DAY 3!!!
So, I'm a little excited to be finishing up the LAST day! Woo Hoo!! (How silly. Just three little days does this to me!?!) Man, I just want some real honest-to-goodness food! Already planning and thinking of my meals for tomorrow! Ha! I'm thinking of my two current top faves: the (mostly) raw chili or sauteed cabbage w/mushrooms and onions. Heck, maybe I'll have both! Plus, it's pizza night tomorrow. Hmmmm. So, maybe I'll reign in the craziness and just go with a huge, yummy salad and the pizza. I make my pizza using the Ezekiel wraps. One wrap, with some organic marinara sauce, sprinkled with mozzarella. Then, LOTS of sliced mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, olives, and maybe pineapple. YUM-OH-YUM!! Yes, that seems quite the perfect meal to start my 30 Days of Clean Eating.
Tomorrow I'll weigh in and see if any weight was lost in this 3 day smoothie craze! Looking forward to it! Hoping there's just a LITTLE something! Also plan on starting back into purposeful exercise tomorrow. A few friends "power walking" the park while our kiddos get their own workout @ boot camp! Should be a great day. Think I'll go wash up the carrots for our morning juice....
Wednesday- August 17, 2011
Day 2
SO thankful this is only a 3 day cleanse!! Though, that is why I agreed (with myself, lol) to even attempt it. Three days is MORE than long enough. 2 is done! Smoothie was a little thick, and got a little harder to gulp down. Thinned it out a little with water and that was a little better. Looking forward to tomorrow! Final day and I'd like to see how this has helped my weight loss quest!! Friday will be Day 1 of the 30 day challenge. Smoothie for a meal, then mostly raw food for the others. Pretty much NOTHING processed. No bread, pasta, etc. Even the yummy Ezekiel bread is off limits for the challenge. I may allow for a little cheese and the Ezekiel tortilla though. I simply COULD NOT pass on family pizza night! So, that will be the 1 "cheat". Not even sure if it would be considered a cheat. Better check the book. Anyways, I'm excited to do the 30 day challenge. Can't wait to see what other improvements I see and feel. Since I first began eating more "clean" a few months ago, I've noticed a few positive changes. Like, I don't need as much sleep, (which has come in handy taking care of Liana! She still isn't on a concrete schedule, and wakes up 1-3 times a night!) more energy, and an over all sense of well being. NICE!
It's late and I'm headed off to bed. Looking forward to finishing this up tomorrow!
Tuesday- August 16, 2011
3 Day Cleanse!
So, it's the first day of my smoothie diet cleanse. And no, not ice cream smoothies! YUM! My basic recipe is this: 2 cups of water, 1 Tblsp flax seed, 1 Tblsp nutritional yeast, 1 scoop Amazing Grass, 1 lb baby spinach, 1/2-1 lb romaine, 1-2 cups frozen berries, 2 bananas, 1/4 c pure & organic apple juice, blended well in my awesome Blend Tec super blender.
Day 1- Sheesh! All I really want today is to eat food! It's a mental thing, I'm know. My smoothie tastes yummy, but I still want to snack on real food. Maybe I should just get cleaning! HaHa. That will nip it in the bud, and get my house back in order too! The smoothie plan is basically this: Nothing but 3 quarts (or more, if needed) of green smoothies for the day, with at least 8-10 glasses of water as well. That's it! Thankfully, the smoothie can be really filling, if I drink a lot at a time.
Well, off I go! I'm sipping on my smoothie now, and in a few minutes I'll be getting down to business with home school and house work. I'll check back in later!!
Monday- August 15,2011
I SO love the Green Smoothie Girl (GSG) program. What is it? Here is an excerpt of it "... The focus of this course is on natural, unrefined and unprocessed foods, with a strong emphasis on plant foods, 60-80 percent raw. The foods include, in this order:
Robyn shows you how each minute spent in the kitchen yields two minutes of increased energy and vitality!...."
I have to say, I LOVE eating this way. I've been doing so for the past few months. Now, I'm taking it up a notch and getting REALLY serious. A lot for weightloss, but also over all health for both me and my family. There is cancer in both Chris and my family, as well as several other afflictions that I am fully convinced can be "cured" or prevented with eating the whole foods way. I choose GSG because she really lays out the whole idea in basic 12-step format. Plus she has tons of recipes and videos. Check out her site at!
3 Day Cleanse~
Beginning Tuesday, August 16, 2011 I will be doing a 3 day smoothie diet cleanse! More about that next....